We have a long-standing interest in defining the neural circuits which transduce aversive experiences into neural instructive signals which implement plasticity and learned changes in behavior. These studies are focused on the fear learning system and understanding the teaching instructive signaling circuits that trigger memory storage underlying this form of learning. In addition to defining the physical structure of these circuits, we also aim to determine how circuit interactions give rise to information processing in neurons within these circuits.

Neuromodulatory systems are activated by salient and emotional experiences and strongly regulate emotional learning and memory as well as emotional control. We are studying how these systems control the balance between emotional learning and responding and flexible cognition and behavior modulate fear learning and memory and participate in aversive teaching signal processing and neural plasticity. Our goals are to define general principles by which neuromodulators regulate neural processing and plasticity mediating memory formation.

Learning in the real world is complex and requires the integration of multiple sources of sensory and motor information. This information is then used to make predictions about the future and guide adaptive behavioral decisions. In these studies we are examining the behavioral and neural mechanisms that animals use to solve complex, aversively motivated pavlovian and instrumental learning tasks.